WINEA FLEX UP - individual screening for the office

With WINEA FLEX UP, WINI Büromöbel presents an innovative panel system for dividing and zoning open working environments. WINEA FLEX UP offers flexible, visual and acoustic screening Without compromising the dynamism and openness of modern office spaces.

WINEA FLEX UP als Buchstütze und Einschub in WINEA MAXX Regal

Room stylers and Room dividers

WINEA FLEX UP panels are made of 100% polyester fleece and are available in two thicknesses (10 mm and 25 mm). In addition to the wide variety of configurations, WINI customizing allows the panels to be tailored to different office environments and working styles. WINEA FLEX UP can be used for visual demarcation as well as to optimize room acoustics Without restricting the flexibility of the rooms.

Let's customize it

The possible applications of WINEA FLEX UP range from suspended panels that create new places of retreat, to Free-standing Partitioning walls that bring Structure to open areas, to workstation-oriented solutions for desks and Cabinets.

WINI customizing - a combination of system configuration and special construction - turns WINEA FLEX UP into a system with which tailor-made solutions can be implemented. In the in-house WINI Cutting Center, complex shapes and patterns for specific customer requirements can be precisely cut into the polyester panels. This allows customers to design personalized work environments that are both functional and aesthetically contemporary.

Even more impulses on the topic

Die SARA-Platte von WINI ist nominiert für den Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis 2025

Circular economy in the office

Circular economy in the office

Sustainable design

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Die SARA Platte von WINI – Altholz wird wiederverwendet, Umweltbelastungen 
reduziert und andere Materialien, die dem Holz anhaften, 
getrennt und ebenfalls recycelt

SARA chipboard

SARA chipboard

Chipboard made from 100% recycled waste wood

Learn more
Die SARA Platte ist eine neuartige Spanplatte, bei deren Produktion ausschließlich Altholz verwendet wird. Kein Baum muss mehr für SARA gefällt werden, kein Lebensraum für Flora und Fauna wird zerstört, bestehende Ressourcen werden effizienter genutzt.

Circular economy in the office

Circular economy in the office

Sustainable design

Learn more

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WINI Planungsabteilung

Let's talk about your office of tomorrow.

Hanna-Maria Greve
Planning & interior design


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